(RNS) — The three judges have been on the legal world's radar since they appeared in November on a White House list of potential Supreme Court nominees. And
NASHVILLE (BP) -- Most Americans likely know of Francis Scott Key's passion for the United States, expressed in his writing of the national anthem. Far fewer know
(RNS) — As the summer heat waxes and state legislative sessions wane, the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation has scored a few small but significant victories.
Laws passed in six states during 2017 and 2018, mostly sponsored by legislative prayer caucuses in about 30 states, were inspired by the foundation’s 2017 manual known as Project Blitz, a 116-page guide for state legislators listing 20 model bills that sponsors claim will protect religious
As about 100 Baptists from around the world prepared for worship Sunday morning at the start of the Baptist World Alliance’s 2018 annual gathering, they left behind the bustling city of Zurich,
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (BP) -- With Skype, Facebook, Zoom, websites and QR codes, Sammy Tippit reaches several million people worldwide each month to advance the
Nationalistic tendencies contributed to a noticeable increase in government restriction on religious freedom in 2016, according to a Pew Research Center report released on June 21.