The sanctuary in First Baptist Church of Jefferson City, Mo., will sit mostly quiet and empty on Sunday, April 26 —- and Senior Pastor Doyle Sager grins widely at the thought.
Students, staff and faculty, donors and other friends of Missouri Baptist University honored the school's 50th anniversary with a celebration of its past and challenges for its future March 26 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in St. Louis.
[caption id="attachment_51569" align="alignleft" width="49"]James Layman[/caption]Chaplains —- military, medical and others —- work hard and sometimes can feel isolated in ministry. James Layman feels called to help change that in
God's grace made pastoral succession work at Broadview Baptist Church in Abilene, Texas, leaders believe. Now the retired senior pastor still attends and still serves the congregation he led for nearly 38 years.
CBF Heartland Coordinating Council members approved a memorandum of understanding with CBF Global, accepted its nominating committee's report and discussed upcoming events at their March 14 meeting.
Churchnet (the Baptist General Convention of Missouri) rolled out its strategic plan for the next five years at its March 6 directors’ session — a plan that calls for focusing on missional approaches.
As congregations continue to face lean economic times, they look for ways to stretch their dollars — particularly as facility needs change. Many are opting for renovating existing space, rather