Bob Perry recalls the approach Southern Baptist churches used two or three generations ago to making disciples - or at least making more knowledgeable and committed Baptists.
The Missouri Baptist Convention plans to have a strategy in place by April 2015 for use of land that once belonged to Windermere Baptist Conference Center. MBC Executive Board members recently authorized the convention president to appoint a taskforce to study possibilities.
Like it or not, the Affordable Care Act — a.k.a. Obamacare — is now the law. Faith-based healthcare providers say it's changing the way hospitals view patient care.
Windermere Baptist Conference Center trustees likely will choose a new executive following the arrest of current President and CEO Jerald "Jerry" Hill.
Michael Olmsted didn’t have to pray too long about serving as interim pastor — even though he's a Baptist by conviction and the congregation is affiliated with a different denomination.
Ministers are responsible for their actions as individuals, sometimes by civil authorities and ultimately by God. But what responsibility, if any, should the local church and the denomination bear for unethical behavior of their pastors and other church ministers?
Today the area of land that butts up to the east side of the Jordan River where first-century baptisms were recorded in Scripture is still known by the