This issue of A Public Witness travels to Norway to hear from Christians who are wrestling with what it means to live and witness as a Christian in a post-Christendom society.
Mona Khauli of Lebanon is the 2023 recipient of the Baptist World Alliance’s Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award. Presented at the BWA Annual Gathering in Stavanger, Norway, on July 4, the award honors significant and effective activities to secure, protect, restore, or preserve
During the annual gathering of the Baptist World Alliance in Stavanger, Norway, members of the body’s general council on Tuesday (July 4) passed a resolution on repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery.
The ruling is likely to refuel the lingering debate on secularism — still volatile more than a century after the 1905 law on separation of church and state that established it as a principle of the French Republic.
Across Europe, the continent that nurtured Christianity for most of two millennia, churches, convents, and chapels stand empty and increasingly derelict as faith and church attendance shriveled over the past half century.
After a century, a legendary North Frisian city that has lived in church sermons, chronicles, and art across the region for six centuries has been found.
The document addresses inclusivity toward LGBTQ+ faithful, the issue of female ordination, and welcoming toward divorced, remarried, or polygamous couples.
The Orthodox Church of Ukraine has further cemented its split from the Russian counterpart it used to be a part of by adopting a new liturgical calendar.