With November being the month of Thanksgiving, there always seems to be a gratitude or thankfulness challenge that pops up on social media. Columnist Heather Feeler writes about trying a “thank you project.”
Liberty University has long bragged about being one of America’s largest Christian colleges, but this year, even after suffering its first loss by one point on Saturday, it can also boast about its nationally ranked football team. But to get there, the school was willing to
Trump did more than capture White evangelical Christians’ votes: He in many ways became the face of White evangelicalism. But when White Christians fail to stand in solidarity with Black people and immigrants, there is really nothing Christlike about our Christianity.
Columnist Wade Paris explores the idea of gratitude by imagining a conversation between a curious angel and God as they peek in on several people on Thanksgiving Day.
In the smallpox outbreaks in the 18th and 19th centuries, clergy such as Cotton Mather were crucial in convincing dubious Americans in Boston and New York to submit to variolation and vaccination. Faith leaders can have a similar role to play in bringing an end to the COVID-19
We are not executing the ‘worst of the worst,’ as some may believe, but the poorest of the poor, and disproportionately people of color. And a supposedly pro-life administration is rushing to execute more people with just two months left in office.
As more cities and states consider enacting much-needed mask mandates during the growing coronavirus pandemic, Editor Brian Kaylor urges a healthy view of religious freedom that does not carve out unnecessary and dangerous exemptions.
There is so much uncertainty in our faith communities this year that it’s hard to imagine what life will look like when we get back to “normal.” But that’s exactly the stuff of our dreams.
Pastor Jim McCaffrey shares of learning, at age 36, that he is one the autism spectrum. He explains how this helped him and his family make sense of his behaviors, and how it helped transform his ministry.
Author David Gushee reflects on President Donald Trump’s unwillingness to accept the results from the 2020 presidential election, and what the inability to speak truth means to our society.