While John the Baptist, the forerunner of our Messiah, often receives sustained attention during Advent, I’d like to make a case for John the religious liberty fanatic.
There is much talk — in this and other Christian/faith publications — about righting past wrongs. Should reparations be made to African-Americans based on the past wrongs of slavery? The answer is no, for a variety of reasons.
Some time ago I answered a knock on our door and looked straight into the face of a friend. He said, “I was just passing by and thought I would stop and see you.” It turned out he was there on purpose, not “just passing
The early church had everything to lose because of their faith in what they believed God was doing through them and what God was calling them to do. But they never gave up.
It’s being as kind, gentle, and loving as possible when saying this: The Southern Baptist Convention is in a mess of its/our own making, and it’s time to move in a positive direction.
Just when I thought my life was calm, predictable, and manageable, an AF-3 tornado ripped through our city with winds up to 160 mph. So much for the arrogant assumption that we are in charge of our lives.
As modern demographics/research has continued to improve, we know that some zip codes have affordable food, housing, and access to various employment options. Others nearby may not have similar options.
Although God is completely holy and set apart from all creation, in the Hebrew Bible, God used multiple means to affirm God’s presence among humankind. Wind was one such means. God also used fire. In Acts 2, God used both.
What has happened to us that conversations about our cosmic home have become so divisive? What would happen if we were all curious enough to learn from science, scripture, and one another?