Baptist - Word&Way


HomeNewsBaptist (Page 12)

President Donald Trump falsely claimed that “the Democrats took the word God out of the Pledge of Allegiance” at the Democratic National Convention. But while the DNC did include the phrase “under God” in the Pledge, the socialist Baptist minister who wrote the Pledge left God out of it.

Like a lot of cities, Kansas City, Missouri, has seen a dramatic increase in violent crime this year. And at least one pastor is looking to do something about it. Darron Edwards wrote a 10-step plan that launched August 11 and already has 29 faith communities involved.

BJC (also known as Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty) urges the U.S. Supreme Court to find that requiring government contractors to adhere to nondiscrimination policies when performing a government function does not burden religion.

After Noel Alexander died from COVID-19, his visitation and funeral were scheduled for the church he loved. But his family said that when they arrived for his funeral, they were told they couldn’t hold either the visitation or the funeral in the spacious building because of the pandemic.

Baptist disaster relief volunteers are responding in Iowa after a powerful derecho storm hit last week, leaving hundreds of thousands without power, hundreds homeless, and a mess of trees and debris.

Jerry Young, president of the National Baptist Convention, USA — the largest Black Baptist denomination in the country — will give the benediction for Monday’s Democratic National Convention session.

Baptists in the eastern European nation of Belarus request prayers as the nation’s streets fill with protesters upset at presidential election results largely deemed fraudulent.

Senator Kamala Harris of California could become the fifth Baptist to serve as U.S. vice president. She would stand in stark contrast to other Baptist VPs — especially the first one, a slaveholder who was open about his enslaved common-law wife and their children.b

After a massive explosion in the Lebanese capital of Beirut Tuesday (Aug. 4), Baptists in that Middle Eastern nation immediately asked for prayers — and then started ministering to their neighbors before the dust from the blast even settled.

After a massive explosion rocked the Lebanese capital of Beirut Tuesday (August 4), Baptists in the country quickly requested prayers. The blast killed at least 73 people and injured more than 3,000 others.