The number of nondenominational churches has grown, as have the ranks of the religiously unaffiliated. As a result, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, and other historic mainline groups have had to do less with less.
The investigation cost the SBC's Executive Committee $2 million in legal fees and led to one former Southern Baptist seminary leader pleading guilty to lying to the FBI.
An Arab word meaning ‘steadfastness,’ the Sumud devotional offers churches a six-week study to raise awareness of Israel’s military rule over Palestinians.
‘This year we celebrate Lent amidst a growing crisis in America, driven by the political accumulation of wealth, power, and control,’ reads one of the letters from faith groups.
The Rev. Jamal Bryant said he hopes 100,000 ‘conscientious Christians’ will have signed up by March 5 to mark the ‘season of denial’ by fasting from shopping at Target.
Resurrection South Austin’s rector, Shawn McCain Tirres, said his congregants ‘wanted rootedness and wanted to feel connected to something ancient and global’ in joining the long-established form of American Anglicanism.