Church - Word&Way


HomeNewsChurch (Page 11)

‘There are churches near, and people near, places where there are no internet carriers at all,’ said the Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner.

Faith leaders have increasingly stepped into the frontlines of care for growing mental health distress across the U.S., from college campuses to the military and rural communities.

Pope Francis blasted the wealthy few who exploit the environment to the detriment of the poor people in society.

Pope Francis on Wednesday is opening a global gathering of bishops and laypeople to cover some hot-button issues that have previously been considered off-limits for discussion.

When it comes to the big moral questions we face, Christians would prefer their pastors remain quiet. How exactly did we get to this place?

As an Anglican bishop faces a church trial for allegedly minimizing abuse and misconduct, observers are wondering: Could this have happened anywhere?

'There is a lot of work yet to be done to confront systemic racism,' said the cathedral's Dean Randy Hollerith.

‘I love bringing dancers that I know into the space,’ she said. ‘We had some at my installation.’

Bishop Minerva Carcaño, the first Latina bishop in the denomination and a prominent voice on behalf of immigrants, faced four charges of violating church law.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is one of several mainline denominations reckoning with the role they played in the federal boarding school system.