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HomeNews (Page 19)

In "With the Best of Intentions: Interreligious Missteps and Mistakes" more than three dozen scholars and practitioners of many faiths explore cases of missteps and outright failures of interfaith encounters.

But those who know Tom Parker say his IVF concurring opinion was not simply a heartfelt expression of faith, but part of a strategy the chief justice has used to create legal precedent for conservative causes.

Confusion over the status of a DOJ investigation into the SBC has strained already tense relationships between abuse survivors and the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.

This issue of A Public Witness looks back at the 'kneel-ins' of the civil rights movement to consider recent protests at prominent churches.

Whether a humanitarian or a security emphasis resonates the most varies among and within Christian denominations.

Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy pens a love letter to Tim Alberta's "The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism" for its masterful understanding of the Trump alliance.

The invite is the latest move by the Congressional Freethought Caucus to elevate criticism of Christian Nationalism.

This issue of A Public Witness takes you inside the Poor People’s Campaign and its recent rallies around the country hoping to put issues of poverty on the public agenda in this election year.

The fine is by far the largest ever levied under a law that requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to collect data on campus crime and notify students of threats.

In "Scenes with My Son: Love and Grief in the Wake of Suicide," Robert Hubbard takes readers on a journey with a family shaken by mental illness so they can share in hard-won joys in defiance of depression.