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Other Opinions

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We are not executing the ‘worst of the worst,’ as some may believe, but the poorest of the poor, and disproportionately people of color. And a supposedly pro-life administration is rushing to execute more people with just two months left in office.

Pastor Jim McCaffrey shares of learning, at age 36, that he is one the autism spectrum. He explains how this helped him and his family make sense of his behaviors, and how it helped transform his ministry.

Author David Gushee reflects on President Donald Trump’s unwillingness to accept the results from the 2020 presidential election, and what the inability to speak truth means to our society.

The psalmist's message is not “God is on the throne, now whatever the government says is divinely endorsed.” The message to the powerful is “God is on the throne; act like it!” 

The “pro-life” label was once a moral call to arms, but it has become a mere political checkbox. Jonathan Merritt looks at the cultural history of the term “pro-life” and why it should mean more than anti-abortion.

Over the past six months, there has been a lot of attention paid to ventilators, personal protective equipment, and the scarcity of them. The lack of these resources certainly puts a community in danger. But we also can’t overlook an equally deadly problem: misinformation.

Private decisions almost always have public consequences, so we debate these questions online and in the public square. We lob our opinions at one another, convinced that our team has the right answers. In the middle of the chaos, I can’t help but wonder, Are we even asking the right questions?

Political disagreement among Christians is as old as the church itself, and I don’t expect us all to agree on every issue. But whether we are liberal or conservative, the continuity of democracy and peaceful transfer of power is safer than the alternative.

There is a significant difference between martyrdom and heroism. Heroes are celebrated for what they achieve, while martyrs are commemorated for what they symbolize.

Max Lucado reflects on the news that Donald Trump has COVID-19 along with other concerns facing the country. Lucado urges that as we are processing the news that we should respond with faith and not fear.