PASADENA, Calif. (ABP) – Evangelical supporters of Israel fired back at a September open letter by two Baptist ethicists questioning theological and moral grounds of “Christian Zionism.”
As a prominent evangelical pastor and supporter of Texas Gov. Rick Perry is taking heat for calling Mormonism a "cult," a newly released poll says most Protestant pastors in U.S. agree Mormons are not Christians.
Christian stewardship is not a concept that exists in a vacuum. And stewardship is not a stand-alone word. While the exercise of good stewardship can become a habit, it is anything but a rote exercise. It is a willful discipline usually not
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (ABP) – Religious conservatives in the United States went on the defensive after media described the suspect in last week’s shooting rampage in Norway as a Christian fundamentalist.
A seemingly unlikely alliance between conservative Christian evangelicals and Mormons recasts American history as the founding of a distinctively Christian republic, Stephen Stookey told a gathering of church historians.
Despite deep divisions in U.S. society, Christians can lead the way toward bipartisan solutions to the pain of poverty, according to David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World.
NICOSIA, Cyprus (ABP) – A satellite television network for and run by Christians in the Middle East said Feb. 24 that programming thought to have been blocked by Libya has been restored.