“It can be fun to do good for others,” says Jeff Scott, pastor of Northside Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, Va. That’s why the congregation is asking area voters, “Which presidential candidate is the most full of beans?” and using donations of canned beans to benefit
As members grapple with their church's future one suggestion inevitably emerges: It's time to start a contemporary worship service. Is it always the answer?
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship commissioned eight field personnel and church starters at the group's annual general assembly. And in a challenge to the CBF, Phil Christopher, pastor of First Baptist Church in Abilene, talked about his church's $5 million capital campaign for
Studies show young adults are leaving the church in record numbers. The reasons they leave are complicated, and experts wonder how many of them are ever coming back.
Four women share how God directed them to either an egalitarian or complementarian view and how they live out their calling.
Congregations must consider several aspects when trying to decide whether to relocate their facilities -- their understanding of God's mission for them, finances, cultural changes and member needs, among a host of others.
A Southern Baptist mega church pastor shelved his prepared Mother's Day sermon and instead led 6,000 worshippers in prayer over President Obama’s May 9 statement that he supports gay marriage.
A period of guided spiritual direction is often recommended for Christians struggling with their enthusiasm for discipleship. The same principle holds for congregations, says a program participant at at upcoming training event sponsored by North Carolina CBF.