Is Religion Good for You? The Answer Is Complicated, New Global Gallup Report Finds.
A review of 10 years of global polling looks at the complicated connection between spirituality and health.
A review of 10 years of global polling looks at the complicated connection between spirituality and health.
Columnist Christopher Dixon writes that while we want to enjoy the Christmas season, this year it brings no reprieve from the heaviness that we’re all enduring. Thus, we need to keep our mental health in check.
Scientists say stress levels, healthy habits, and community support could be key to beating the virus.
I’m a data scientist at the University of San Francisco and teach courses online in machine learning for In late March, I decided to use public mask-wearing as a case study to show my students how to combine and analyze diverse types of data and evidence.
Masks have been used for various purposes throughout history. With the spread of COVID-19 slowing, questions regarding mask-wearing are increasing.
A Chorus America study found that older choral singers reported a better quality of life and better overall health than non-singers they knew.
Many of us are planning to invest our retirement years in making a positive change in society. Our great plans can be cut short if we
(RNS) The latest in a long line of studies, now numbering in the hundreds, if not thousands, shows that church attendance is good for your
The Southern Baptist Convention agency that provides insurance for denominational employees filed a lawsuit Oct. 11 claiming the Affordable Care Act violates the religious liberty of faith-based organizations that do not meet the government’s narrow definition of “religious employers” exempted from paying for birth-control coverage
A new program designed to make it easier to buy health insurance for small businesses has potential to become a major source of medical coverage for church staff and employees, says Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Church Benefits Board President Gary Skeen.