With the support of 19 state attorneys general, the Hunter plaintiffs are back in court to make their case against LGBTQ+ discrimination in religious higher education institutions.
The new statement of values, which passed with 80% support, is the first wholesale revision of the Unitarian Universalist covenant clause since 1987 and reflects over three years of feedback and discussions.
At its national synod, the Christian Reformed Church in North America voted to put congregational leaders on 'limited suspension' if their churches publicly welcome LGBTQ+ members.
Once relegated exclusively to gay bars and nightclubs, drag is increasingly in the open these days — at libraries, music festivals, and, yes, churches.
Amid more typical homeschool concerns such as combating screen time and filling gaps in math curricula, the overarching message of the 40th annual Florida Homeschool Convention was about politics, not education.
The incident underscored how the church’s official teaching bumps against the reality that there are gay priests and plenty of LGBTQ+ Catholics who want to be fully part of the life and sacraments of the church.
Myrtle Baptist Church takes pride in its inclusive congregation, but many Black churches and denominations in the U.S. remain opposed to celebrating same-sex marriages or ordaining openly LGBTQ+ clergy.