This issue of A Public Witness takes you inside the Family Research Council’s “National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance” featuring Speaker Mike Johnson and a couple dozen other Republican lawmakers.
Former church members allege that Jurkovich and other church leaders illegally changed the church's articles of incorporation to require unquestioned loyalty to the pastor.
This issue of A Public Witness looks back at Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Baptists penned 202 years ago this week and explores why prominent figures deliberately misrepresent the metaphorical “wall of separation” between church and state.
Word&Way trustee and scholar of American evangelicalism William Trollinger argues that Johnson’s association with Ark Encounter makes sense given the strong connection between Young Earth Creationism and Christian Right politics.
Our reporting the day after Mike Johnson’s election to speaker of the House was the first to look at his preaching. One church we included in that story has removed his messages from its online sermons page — but not before Brian saved both of
Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy argues that the new Speaker of the House has missed some important lessons in hermeneutics — the Bible is not self-interpreting.
This issue of A Public Witness introduces you to the 56th speaker of the House — the founding dean of a failed Baptist law school, an attorney for three firms devoted to advancing Christian Nationalism, a crusader for prayer in public schools, an evangelist proclaiming