This issue of A Public Witness conjures up the righteous indignation of Charlton Heston as Moses to look at the dangerous push for the Ten Commandments in public schools.
Wendell Griffen connects attacks on public schools in Arkansas, Florida, and other states to similar efforts in the past and argues that the current situation demands we unite against an effort to replace democracy with authoritarianism and fascism.
This issue of A Public Witness looks at the reinvigorated crusade by politicians across the country to push official, government prayer in schools. And then this class session ends with an explanation of why a common remark about gun violence in schools is dead wrong.
This issue of A Public Witness offers a quick class on the history of our national motto “In God We Trust” and recent Christian Nationalistic efforts to display it in public schools before considering the elementary flaw with such legislation.
In this issue of A Public Witness, we offer a review for the test about the cultural and political forces targeting public education. Then we open up a new chapter about how Christians have added to this political polarization before answering the essay question about the
In this edition of A Public Witness, we study the reactionary views advanced by the president and other leaders of this small Christian college seeking to fundamentally change the face of American public education.
In this edition of A Public Witness, we look at the principalities and powers preventing us from doing something about gun violence, along with the Christian leaders aiding and abetting their cause. Then we denounce the idolatry that demands we sacrifice our children.
In this issue of A Public Witness, we tackle the arguments in Kennedy v. Bremerton, review the call on the field about church-state issues in public schools, and throw a flag against the Christian Nationalism trying to undermine public education, democratic principles, and religious sincerity.
A group of parents and students are suing a West Virginia school district for allowing an evangelical preacher to hold a religious revival assembly during the school day earlier this month that some students were required to attend.