Everyone has a vested interest in the effective education of children. Both Christian and public schools have the potential to do it well. In education, children's success should be everyone's goal.
Following a recent service at our church, a visitor tripped over a curb. She maintained to people around her that she was all right but then asked for an ambulance to carry her two and a half blocks to the hospital. By the late afternoon,
Planting new churches in places where none exists, or reaching specific culture groups, can result in changed lives and the expansion of God’s kingdom. But it takes flexibility to adapt to each new work’s context.
WASHINGTON (ABP) -- Even as Democratic members of Congress report death threats over their votes in favor of health-care reform and a prominent conservative broadcaster continues his attacks on a left-leaning evangelical leader for advocating social justice, a group of Christian
Human beings are fragile creatures needing health care to flourish and -- in many cases -- survive, said David Gushee, distinguished university professor of Christian ethics
My pastor tells me that, with the downturn in the economy, more people are requesting assistance from our church. We have limited funds. What can we do?