COLUMBIA, Mo. — The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Missouri changed its identity to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Heartland by unanimously approving amendments to its bylaws during its general assembly April 26 at Memorial Baptist Church of Columbia.
The recommendation came from the organization’s coordinating council.
![]() Harold Phillips watches as Elizabeth Haney of Lexington, Mo., shows off a card he gave her in appreciation for she and her late husband Carl reaching the threshold of $10,000 in gifts to the organization’s Leadership 21 fund. (Photo by Bill Webb)
CBFMO has attracted participation from churches from across state borders for years. The changes allow for fuller participation of those churches and their members, including opportunity for election to leadership positions.
Members also learned that the treasurer’s report showed the entity showed a net balance of $4,491 in the 2012-13 budget through February, with revenue at $127,550 and expenses at $123,058.
CBF Heartland has a total of $374,056 in endowments and reserve funds of $73,654.
CBF also approved a 2013-14 budget of $340,000, including $213,000 in its ministry and mission through CBF Heartland, $37,600 in ministry and mission through area partners and $89,400 that is designated and channeled to national CBF.
Kathy Pickett of Kansas City will continue as moderator for the coming year, while Michael Olmsted of Springfield was elected moderator-elect, Nancy Thompson of West Des Plaines, Iowa, as vice-moderator, and Leslie Limbaugh of St. Louis as recorder.
Bruce Gentry of Cape Girardeau, Mo., will serve as past moderator and Charles Cantrell of Mountain View, Mo., as treasurer. Members also elected Ross Kasmann of Columbia and Carol Pittman of St. Joseph as at-large members of the coordinating council.