Thanks for the past 20 years as Word&Way editor - Word&Way

Thanks for the past 20 years as Word&Way editor

Word & Way trustees and staff took note of my 20th anniversary as editor with a drop-by reception at First Baptist Church in Jefferson City, Mo., March 19.

Bill WebbBill WebbStaff members planned the event, decorated the venue with Word & Way memorabilia during my tenure and served punch and cake to those who came through the reception line.

Invitations initially noting this was a surprise to me went to former trustees and staff members as well as former colleagues at a previous stop, Illinois Baptist State Association, plus colleagues from various Baptist agencies, friends from the host church of which my wife and I are members, Word & Way supporters, family members and other friends. What an enjoyable event!

I’m grateful for our staff’s work, to the board of trustees and to all who participated in this effort, including many who sent cards, letters and emails with their kind thoughts. As I told one friend after the event, the past 20 years with Word & Way have been fulfilling, and the reception was certainly affirming.

Thank you to our constituents for their support over the past two decades as subscribers, advertisers, donors, free-lance writers and many others.

We at Word & Way trust that our work has been impactful — from time to time encouraging, inspiring and challenging our readers. In telling the Baptist story in Missouri and the nearby Midwest, our prayer has been that our work would glorify God.

Thank you for the opportunity of Christian service through Word & Way for the past 20 years. God bless you.

Bill Webb, Editor

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View pictures from the reception