Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Each day seems to bring new changes and closures related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Churches and individuals are using a combination of information, technology, and creativity to minister without unintentionally making things worse.
We’ve compiled communication and ministry-related resources here along with links. And we’re crowdsourcing the effort: If you have resources that you would like to add to the list, please contact us at newsletter@wordandway.org and we’ll continue to update.
Coronavirus information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Free Training and Checklists to Prepare Your Church for the Coronavirus (Ministry Grid)
Preparing Your Church for Coronavirus (Humanitarian Disaster Institute): Panning Manual Planning Template
5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus (New York Times)
Coping with Coronavirus Anxiety (Harvard Health Blog)
The Power of Prayer to Deal With Coronavirus Anxiety (USA Today)
4 Ways to Help Prevent Loneliness While You’re Social Distancing (Washington Post)
The Easiest Way to Facebook Live-Stream with a Video Camera (Modlab Multimedia)
3 Simple Ways Your Church Can Start Live Streaming (Church Motion Graphics)
Live Streaming Resource Hub (Boxcast)
11 Steps to Embrace Facebook & YouTube Streaming of Your Service (Purpose Driven Church)
Webside Appeal for Your Church: Facebook (Word&Way)
Podcast 101 (Word&Way)
4 Inexpensive Online Giving Solutions for Small- and Mid-Sized Churches (ChurchDev) See comments also
“LifeWay Kids at Home,” a free temporary digital resource to supplement Sunday School from home
Coronavirus and the Church (Wheaton College and Saddleback Church)