Word&Way has been podcasting since 2018 and has won several awards for our productions, including two this year. Listeners tune in from across the country and around the world. We had a lot of great conversations this year. So let’s count down the top 10 most-downloaded episodes of Dangerous Dogma in 2023:
10. Liz Cooledge Jenkins on Nice Church Patriarchy (episode 126, Nov. 16)
9. Kaitlyn Schiess on the Ballot and the Bible (episode 116, Sept. 6)
8. Randall Balmer on Saving Faith (episode 124, Nov. 2)
7. John Fanestil on American Heresy (episode 122, Oct. 19)
6. Amanda Tyler of Christians Against Christian Nationalism (episode 102, May 17)
5. Isaac Sharp on The Other Evangelicals (episode 100, May 5)
4. Robert P. Jones on the Hidden Roots of White Supremacy (episode 115, Aug. 31)
3. Daniel Hummel on the Rise & Fall of Dispensationalism (episode 120, Oct. 4)
2. David Gushee on Defending Democracy from Its Christian Enemies (episode 117, Sept. 13)
1. Andrew Whitehead on American Idolatry (episode 111, July 27)
Thanks for listening!