Leaders of the Missouri Baptist Convention defended a pastor accused by police of not properly handling a case of a staff member sexually abusing boys. However, they did not address the key allegation, and they misrepresented the nature of the claims.
While no Americans have died from the coronavirus thus far, it is the Chinese American community that has borne the brunt of the health scare and it has also been the one to implement wide-ranging safety precautions.
More than a half century after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. challenged the Christian church to "remove the yoke of segregation from its own body," an estimated one-sixth of U.S. congregations have succeeded in becoming at least partly multiracial — but not without struggles.
Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri, announced Feb. 22 that it would hold a special-called meeting of its Board of Trustees on Monday (Feb. 24) to consider actions regarding a new trustee accused of mishandling the sexual misconduct case of another church staffer. The trustee
For years, my husband would say after we returned from the church, "I thought the sermon was good." To that, I would reply, "I didn't hear the sermon, as usual."
For a Supreme Court that says it has an allergy to politics, the next few months might require a lot of tissues, as it is poised to make decisions in cases dealing with President Donald Trump's tax and other financial records, abortion, LGBT rights, immigration,
January marked the 50th anniversary of my brother Dennis’s death. The sheer volume of days, months, and years is staggering. But it’s more than that. I’m amazed that after five decades, the dull ache of loss persists.
Why should a person be punished because our lawmakers were slow to recognize their error? If a sentence is wrong, then it is wrong. We shouldn’t measure truth or justice by a calendar.
Pres House, on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, shows what a denomination can do when it focuses on the resources it has, rather than worrying about what it doesn’t have, according to Rev. Mark Elsdon.