Time for Shifting Tides
It’s being as kind, gentle, and loving as possible when saying this: The Southern Baptist Convention is in a mess of its/our own making, and it’s time to move in a positive direction.
It’s being as kind, gentle, and loving as possible when saying this: The Southern Baptist Convention is in a mess of its/our own making, and it’s time to move in a positive direction.
Volunteering or serving others is the most common expression of generosity among practicing U.S. Christians, according to a Barna Group report published June 19, with nearly 9 in 10 saying being generous was "very" or "extremely" important.
Just when I thought my life was calm, predictable, and manageable, an AF-3 tornado ripped through our city with winds up to 160 mph. So much for the arrogant assumption that we are in charge of our lives.
A large majority of Americans make important decisions without calling on religious leaders for advice, according to a new survey released Monday by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
RIDGECREST, Calif. (BP) -- A group of local, church volunteers had finished a day of cleaning up and repairing damage to Immanuel Baptist Church, Ridgecrest, Calif., following a 6.4 earthquake on July 4. The next night, the 7.1 earthquake undid their hard work and then
In the book The Last Week, Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan suggest that on that Palm Sunday there were actually two processions entering Jerusalem. "The two processions, they state, "embody the central conflict of the week that led to Jesus’s crucifixion.”
Looking for an institutions open to a diversity of perspectives? In a recent Pew Research Center study of adults, churches ranked last among five choices: churches and religious organizations; colleges and universities; community colleges; K-12 public schools; and local communities.
KILLEN, Ala. (BP) -- Pastor Ronny Jones will never forget the day a flatbed tractor-trailer truck crashed into the side of First Baptist Church Center Star, in Killen, Ala. The sanctuary was a total loss.
ATLANTA (BP) -- LifeWay Christian Resources trustees unanimously elected Ben Mandrell as the organization's 10th president during a special-called meeting June 28 in Atlanta.
GARDEN CITY, Kan. (BP) --The Cross Rodeo Bible Camp in Garden City, Kan., does just what the title suggests, mixing two traditions -- church camp and rodeo -- into one experience.