American Baptist clergy in Nebraska learned that some approaches to negotiation in business also might work in ministry. Longtime psychologist and business consultant Karl Slaikeu shared his Preferred Path concepts with about 30 clergy in a three-day retreat Oct. 6-8.
Sisters Heather Gilion and Holly Snell describe the loss of their husbands — James Brill and Scott Nesbitt — on Aug. 1, 2000, like it had just happened. The
American Baptist Churches USA President Don Ng recalled his own experiences as a Chinese-American in reminding Great Rivers Region delegates they are God’s people.
Some watch too much news. Others ignore it altogether. Yet others suggest a balanced approach: praying the news as a way to express compassion for those in strife.
Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church’s massive building is a landmark in an economically depressed Kansas City, Mo., neighborhood. But it also is a beacon to many who live in
GRAND ISLAND, Neb. — Nzunga and Kihomi Mabudiga, missionaries to Haiti, showed American Baptists in Nebraska the multicultural complexion of 21st century missions.
First Baptist Church of Stilwell, Kan., has gained positive notoriety with its community garden, which butts up against one of the busiest streets in the area. Senior Pastor