Beth Allison Barr, author of The Making of Biblical Womanhood, responds to a metaphor by Al Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary that compared the ordination of women to a growing rainstorm.
Editor-in-Chief Brian Kaylor reflects on legislation pushing the teaching of the Bible in public schools. He explores significant church-state problems that would arise from such efforts.
Editor-in-Chief Brian Kaylor reflects on news that DNA evidence tested FOUR years after the execution of a Black man in Arkansas suggests the state killed an innocent man. Kaylor also highlights the Baptist prophet who tried to stop the execution.
John Gehring writes that politicizing a sacrament is pastoral malpractice, whether directed against Republicans or Democrats. The pope has said that Communion is “not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”
Editor-in-Chief Brian Kaylor responds to a claim by Al Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary that Methodists who disagree on LGBTQ issues are from “two different religions.” Perhaps Mohler is right.
Editor-in-Chief Brian Kaylor reflects on preachers spreading anti-vaccination messages amid a continuing COVID pandemic. Kaylor also highlights the medical and biblical wisdom of Francis Collins of the National Institutes of Health.
Marybeth Davis Baggett, a former English professor at Liberty University and two-time alumna of the school, urges the school’s leadership to own the roles they played in propagating and perpetuating the sin they now condemn with impunity and suffocating sanctimony.
Columnist Terrell Carter writes we can all have joy because God’s message of redemption and restoration was entrusted to people who did not fit the typical description of joyful people.
The guilty verdict of former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd might be an exodus for America. Tuesday may be the day that the ancient account of God’s deliverance becomes as important to America as it has been to the
Black Christians engaged in the struggle for racial justice must not turn a blind eye to the oppression in church and culture of gays and lesbians, women and Latinx, Asian, and Native Americans, author and scholar Marvin A. McMickle said during a virtual discussion hosted