As a young child my anticipation intensified as the time approached to go to my grandparents in Chicago for Christmas. Grandmother's unusual nativity scene included a lot
The Bad Burrito Awards annually recognize actions, products, and efforts on behalf of religion that could be the result of late night inspirational ideas caused by that earlier dinner.
This world does not understand God's grace, even though its meaning is powerfully displayed in the cross of Christ. Thank God for his strange book called Revelation, that is so much more than a timetable or another “Da Vinci Code” novel. We are reading “the
When the Apostle John experienced God’s revelation on Patmos, he was living in a world of despair. Society was divided between a small, powerful, wealthy class and an enormous impoverished and oppressed lower
Revelation is written in a style that fits into the fashionable entertainment of our day: sci-fi, mythological creatures at war and strange beings from another dimension, connected
The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:1-3 listed five key Christian lifestyle practices. The first three lifestyle guides are to “be completely humble, be gentle and be patient.”
You thought building campaigns and pledge drives were created in modern times, but here we are in the ancient book of Exodus reading about those very ideas!