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thumbRNS PRESSLER LAWSUIT 20171211(RNS) — The Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, has been added as a defendant in a case alleging that a prominent layman and onetime Texas appeals court judge sexually abused a former office assistant over the course of several decades.

BP Burmese Christmas outreachSAN DIEGO (BP) -- Thirty people made professions of faith in Jesus during Agape Myanmar Mission's home visits for its third annual Christmas outreach.

January 2018 slider“Free speech is under assault in America,” the president of the National Religious Broadcasters recently declared in a Washington, D.C. press conference, "And this is happening on the internet.” 

William Bill PoeRev. William O. "Bill" Poe, 95, of Abilene, Texas, passed away Saturday Dec. 2, 2017, in Abilene, Texas.

BP Firewood ministryBLAIRSVILLE, Ga. (BP) -- In the mountains of north Georgia, volunteers at Antioch Baptist Church work year-round on a unique ministry -- providing firewood to those in need.

During the recent cold snap when temperatures dropped to near zero some days, it's been more important than ever.

BP Don MayberryAUGUSTA, Kan. (BP) -- For bivocational pastor Don Mayberry, it's not uncommon to go from counseling a vice president of the international auto supply company to sitting atop his horse and sharing the story of Joseph with local ranchers and cowboys -- all within a few hours.

Walden and ScipioVALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS) — The two new Associate General Secretaries working with the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) Office of the General Secretary ministry team were in Valley Forge, Pa., to begin their positions on Tuesday, January 2, 2018. Rev. Marsha Scipio joins the organization in the role of Associate General Secretary for Missional Initiatives and Partnerships, and Rev. Dr. Kevin A. Walden begins his service as Associate General Secretary for Congregational and Pastoral Effectiveness.

ten 825021 640 Here are the ten most read pieces on the Word&Way website in 2017. Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you around a lot in 2018!

Milton FergusonKANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP) -- Milton Ferguson, 89, the second president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, died today (Dec. 21) in Kansas City, Mo., after a brief battle with cancer.

MBC for sale IMG 9879NASHVILLE (BP) -- At its annual meeting this fall, the Colorado Baptist General Convention (CBGC) announced plans to sell its Denver-area office building and relocate to a smaller facility nearby. They are among a dozen of the 42 state conventions that partner with the Southern Baptist Convention that have sold, moved out of or attempted to sell their buildings in the past decade.