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Psalm 11 reminds us that even when it seems that the unrighteous are getting away with their wicked ways, we can rest knowing that God is in control, for he will bring order and justice when he best seems fitting.

(RNS) — In the 15 years since Terri Schiavo died, changes in medical research and technology give us reason to totally rethink fundamental questions about patients thought to be 'vegetative.'

(RNS) — Religious liberty is already a treasured value in our nation’s public schools. So why are the president and White House staffers making inflammatory and misleading statements, claiming our constitutional rights are under attack?

(RNS) — A doctor should not perform surgery if she is tired. A pilot should not fly if he is tired. And clergy who counsel and take on the audacious task of sharing something of God should not attempt these fearsome duties when we are tired. But we do.

(RNS) — A specter has been haunting white evangelicalism. It comes in the shape of James Cone, one of the founders of black liberation theology. 

(RNS) — One of the holiest days of the Christian year is right around the corner.We need more churches and we need more Christians to take the teachings of Jesus seriously and risk it all for the sake of healing the world.

It happened that Caesar Augustus ordered a census. Because of the census, it happened that Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem, which happened to be the village of their ancestry.

Your last and perhaps most meaningful gift to your family is to clearly communicate how you wish to be remembered at your funeral or memorial service. By clearly communicating your funeral plans, you ease the strain and burden on family at this stressful time.

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP) -- Who wants to continue approaches that launch only 10 percent of young believers to change the world? After a half-century in youth ministry, Richard Ross calls for a desperately-needed radical reevaluation if we wish to see more enduring faith in our youth after they become adults.

Regardless of that joy we have as we celebrate together this holiday season, as adults we also realize there are men and women who are willing to sacrifice their holidays with family so that we can enjoy ours.