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Terrell carterHave you ever met a Veruca Salt in real life? A person who thinks that the world revolves around them and everyone in the world exists to make them happy or to fulfill their needs?

Christopher DixonAs believers, we wonder: Do we dismiss holidays like Valentine's Day that have very little relation to our modern Christian walk, do we go all in and enjoy the holiday silliness for what it is, or do we go somewhere in the middle?

Wade ParisThe arrival of radio as mass media in the early twentieth century was heralded by many sincere Christians as a gift of God for propagating the gospel. Suddenly, there was a means of communicating God’s message of redemption with large audiences.

Terrell CarterOne of the themes emphasized through Christmas and Advent — and that we need in the new year — is hope. To hope is to have confidence in something or someone.

Doyle SagerIn the wee hours of the morning on Dec. 25, parents everywhere were frantically assembling toys to be presented to children just a few hours hence. No doubt, about 2:00 a.m., some mom or dad remembered an old adage: “When everything else fails, read the instructions.”

Christopher DixonIt’s officially the New Year and with the rolling of the calendar, most of us have made some well-intentioned resolutions.

As we visit with friends at church, work and around town, I’m reminded that in regard to our spiritual life, there are many of us who resolve to spend more time in the Bible and give more sacrificially, especially with the rolling of the calendar.

Terrell CarterWhen was the last time you gave your testimony? Is there anything in your life that you are thankful for?

My testimony is that God has been with me through both insignificant and momentous events.

Doyle SagerI began listening to Christmas music in October. Don’t judge me. The season goes fast and I love the carols of our faith.

And that leads me to make a plea. Please, please, please, could we be done, forever, with Christmas Wars?

Christopher DixonNow that we’re staring down the days until Christmas, we have more warmth and cheer to look forward to with family, church family and friends, as the holidays continue. And yet

Christopher DixonEach year around this time, we hear a lot about being thankful. We have a lot to be thankful for, we hear, and yet the collective national mood has been one that has seemed to be particularly ungrateful.