Opinion - Word&Way


HomeOpinion (Page 27)

Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy writes that he is not sure churches in America should be celebrating Christ the King Sunday. Have our habits become too corrupt – Americanized, individualized, freedom-soaked – for us to obey a king?

Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy responds to Ken Ham's criticism of one of his Word&Way articles. He uses this as an opportunity to explore Ham's rhetorical strategies and how much they reveal about both him and the universe of far-right Christians.

Contributing writer Sarah Blackwell reflects on how there will always be times of humanitarian crisis where the needs are immediate and tremendous. However, in any long-term service project, we must look for ways to make personal contributions for the good of the community.

Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy looks at the excessive use of hyperbole in our culture, especially from preachers and politicians. As a teacher of rhetoric and homiletics, he is concerned that hyperbole threatens our commitments and convictions that words matter.

Voices Editor Jeremy Fuzy considers the launch of the University of Austin, especially their announcement of “The Forbidden Courses.” Considering the biblical allusion used by the school, he unpacks the flaw in the philosophy of UA and its founders.

Contributing writer Greg Mamula delves into the Blockbuster vs. Netflix analogy that is often utilized by speakers at conferences and retreats to motivate church leaders into embracing new ministry models. Where this metaphor falls short, he proposes a new one: Redbox.

Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy explores why Donald Trump’s gospel of “getting even” finds a comfortable home among evangelicals. This is not just a political problem but represents a theological issue crying out from the ground for attention.

Editor-in-Chief Brian Kaylor reflects on the choice of Robert Jeffress as the keynote preacher for the 2021 Missouri Baptist Pastors’ Conference organized with the theme of Romans 12:2, a passage where Paul warned against conforming to the patterns of this world.

Contributing writer Sarah Blackwell explains how cross country running provides valuable lessons in raising children. In an age of helicopter parenting, she details the ways that kids can benefit from parents who act more like a cross country coach.

Christopher Dixon reflects on how churches have served as as a sanctuary for children from the complete nonsense of all types — sexual, political, monetary, and otherwise — served to them 24/7 everywhere else.