‘Christian Nationalists’ Accused of Violating Law in Georgia Elections
Democrats won the critical U.S. Senate runoff races on Jan. 5. But did Baptist and other evangelical groups ‘cross a legal line’ in trying to keep...
Democrats won the critical U.S. Senate runoff races on Jan. 5. But did Baptist and other evangelical groups ‘cross a legal line’ in trying to keep...
It may seem odd to connect the spectacle at the Capitol with the seminary presidents’ fumbling, but the two moves are aligned in the same work: pres...
As a COVID-19 vaccine gets closer to a public rollout, public health experts and policymakers in the United States are likely to encounter a big cultu...
Bill J. Leonard reflects on Christian conscience and the role it plays in national citizenship. The best of early Baptist history in America, he argue...
The dwindling community feels threatened by rising nationalism. Read full piece<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --...
NDIA (BP) -- Regaining consciousness after attackers left him for dead in his house church in eastern India, pastor Basant Kumar Paul proclaimed he no...
(WW) — Nationalism always leaves us more enslaved, not more free. This is true because tribalism always shrinks us — a smaller world, more selfish...
<p><img class=" alignleft size-full wp-image-55557" src="https://wordandway.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/webRNS-Ilhan-Omar1-110718.jpg" width="139"...
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<p><img class=" alignleft size-full wp-image-54016" src="https://wordandway.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/verse-shirt.jpg" width="127" height="78" al...