Lessons From Unsettling Advent
In this issue of A Public Witness, we share some of what we’ve learned from our series of devotionals this year on Advent in a time of rulers clingi...
In this issue of A Public Witness, we share some of what we’ve learned from our series of devotionals this year on Advent in a time of rulers clingi...
In his latest book “Religion for Realists: Why We All Need the Scientific Study of Religion,” Samuel Perry challenges some of our most cherished a...
Trump's cabinet selection includes everything from pastors to Catholic converts to one nominee who credits their spiritual rebirth to a book by a Swis...
In “This Is Going to Hurt: Following Jesus in a Divided America,” Bekah McNeel analyzes the narratives surrounding six hot-button issues — immig...
This issue of A Public Witness reconsiders King Herod to move beyond a flat, culture wars depiction of the religious-nationalism-pushing ruler.<!-- Ad...
This issue of A Public Witness looks at the unexpected revolution of the printed word and how journalism has changed since Word&Way started over 128 y...
We’re excited to announce that Unsettling Advent is returning with new themes: rulers clinging to power, dangerous pregnancies, and violence in Leba...
This Election Day issue of A Public Witness considers the idea that where you vote might influence how you vote.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic...
The creators say the Idaho pastor represents an increasingly mainstream biblical patriarchy movement with dangerous implications. <!-- AddThis Advance...
This issue of A Public Witness looks at how Trump, along with several pastors and conservative Christian activists, lied about shouts of “Lies!” a...