Even though this piece for A Public Witness starts as a story about one college, it deals with something many churches, schools, and organizations need to consider: taking steps to address their history.
It is one of three churches appealing decisions recently made by the denomination’s Executive Committee to remove eight congregations from official affiliation.
Head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the public policy arm of the SBC, Leatherwood is calling on legislators to pass a law to remove firearms from people who are a danger to themselves and others.
David Rice examines faith healing through the lens of both denominational differences between Baptists and the Assemblies of God as well as his personal struggles living with a disability.
Since 2000, official Southern Baptist doctrine limits the role of pastor to men. But that doctrine had never been enforced at the national level until recently.
This issue of A Public Witness will coach you up about a recent controversy regarding women in ministry at Saddleback Church and then consider how moments like that are connected to the same way of reading the Bible that got the whistle blown at Texas