(ABP) -- Eugene Nida, a pioneer in the theory of modern Bible translations in the 20th century, died Aug. 25 in a Brussels hospital. While not a household name, Nida, 96, influenced Bibles in millions of homes.
PHOENIX (ABP) – The Southern Baptist Convention went on record June 15 saying it “cannot commend” the 2011 New International Version Bible translation and its use of gender-neutral language.
MACON, Ga. (ABP) -- Baptists Today, a monthly publication launched in 1982 as a flagship newspaper for moderates opposing conservatives for control of the Southern Baptist Convention, is retooling with features including a weekly Lectionary-based Bible study beginning with the June issue.
The King James Version of the Bible -- featured in our cover package in our April 28 issue -- turns 400 years of age this year. To say that it has been an enduring translation certainly would be an understatement. While some insist that only
Like the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel’s “wheel in the middle of a wheel,” King James-only churches represent a resilient subculture within the subculture of American fundamentalist Protestants, some scholars insist.
DALLAS (ABP) -- BaptistWay Press, the publishing arm of Texas Baptists, has launched digital resources in an effort to meet the changing Bible study habits of believers.
Former President George W. Bush made no secret his politics were tinged by his religious faith, but in his recently released memoir, Decision Points, he never would have made it to the White House without a fateful—and faith-filled—decision to quit drinking in 1986.
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (ABP) -- Robert Bratcher, the New Testament translator for the Good News Bible, died July 10 at the Carol Woods retirement community in Chapel Hill, N.C. He was 90.