This Saturday marks four years since the photo op where Trump awkwardly held a Bible outside a church after police teargassed BLM protesters. Despite all the attention to evangelicals, if you look at the photos all you will see is the influence of mainline Protestantism.
‘Throughout the Trump presidency, the flag became a symbol for Trump, for Christian America, for this insurgent Christian Nationalism,’ says scholar Matthew Taylor.
As Donald Trump increasingly infuses his campaign with Christian trappings while coasting to the Republican nomination, his support is as strong as ever among evangelicals and other conservative Christians.
In "Believe Me: The Evangelical Road to Donald Trump," John Fea argues that the evangelical approach to public life is defined by the politics of fear, the pursuit of worldly power, and a nostalgic longing for an American past.
Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy offers a unique rhetorical critique of how Trump acts and the danger this puts in the lap of his evangelical followers.
Missing in all the jokes and news reports about the Trump Bible is that this isn’t the first time a presidential stamp of approval was sought for the Good Book.
A new film omits details of Flynn's career, including his pardons issued by his former boss, Donald Trump, and the existence of a network of conspiratorial websites and companies, with names like “Digital Soldiers LLC,” a term used by QAnon.