In "Imitating Christ: The Disputed Character of Christian Discipleship," New Testament scholar Luke Timothy Johnson reorients Christian living toward pursuing sainthood.
Greg Carey's "Death, the End of History, and Beyond: Eschatology in the Bible" understands that we need to address the present, but the future does impact the present — thus, the study of Last Things is not something we can avoid dealing with.
Jeremy Fuzy reviews "Second Thoughts about the Second Coming: Understanding the End Times, Our Future, and Christian Hope" by Ronald J. Allen and Robert D. Cornwall. This book explores the apocalypse from a mainline Protestant perspective.
What has happened to us that conversations about our cosmic home have become so divisive? What would happen if we were all curious enough to learn from science, scripture, and one another?
KELLER, Texas (ABP) -- Theology that equates the modern state of Israel with the Israel of biblical prophecy has caused some evangelical Christians to let eschatology trump ethics when it comes to the Middle East, a Palestinian-American Christian told a recent interfaith