Monday’s federal lawsuit seeks to overturn the state’s decision not to allow Joseph Corcoran’s minister to be present in the execution chamber — a constitutional right granted by a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said that President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for defense secretary ‘promotes the concept of fundamentalist Christian dominance and supremacy.’
While they purport to protect poor Hindus from being exploited, anti-conversion laws have been found to have a more demonstrable effect of generating violence against Christians.
The state will likely begin to fund private Christian academies while also funding Bibles in schools — promoting the idea that the U.S. is a Christian nation.
The vote allows schools in Texas, which has more than 5 million public school students, to begin using religious material in kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms as early as next year.
A new Bible-infused curriculum would be optional for kindergarten through fifth grade, one of the latest Republican-led efforts to incorporate religious teachings into public school classrooms.
Around the country, advocates for conservative Christian education have been finding legal ways to tap taxpayer money used more typically for public schools.
The judge said the law is ‘unconstitutional on its face’ and plaintiffs are likely to win their case with claims that the law violates the First Amendment.