Joe Blosser’s recent book is challenging because it takes seriously the idea that the only way to love God well is to love our neighbors more by re-evaluating how much we’ve fallen in love with ourselves.
Rev. Dr. Cassandra Gould of Faith in Action makes the case that while divisions exist everywhere, the multi-faith interconnectedness and commitment to working together for justice and equity she sees in Ghana is a model we can and must adopt here in the U.S.
VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (ABP) – An American Baptist leader says one tragedy of the Trayvon Martin shooting is that racial profiling is nothing new for African-American boys and even men.
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (ABP) – An international Baptist leader called on Baptists around the world to call on their government leaders to advocate on behalf of an Iranian pastor sentenced to death after refusing to recant his faith.
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (ABP) – The head of the Baptist World Alliance has sent a letter of solidarity to Baptists in Norway in response to recent mass killings in that country that claimed at least 76 lives.