Pastor defends disqualifying lesbian coach
CORDOVA, Tenn. (ABP) – The pastor of a Tennessee Southern Baptist mega-church defended a decision to bar a coach from its softball league because she is a lesbian.
CORDOVA, Tenn. (ABP) – The pastor of a Tennessee Southern Baptist mega-church defended a decision to bar a coach from its softball league because she is a lesbian.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- More than 1,200 people were challenged to be passionate about joining in God’s mission as 16 new field personnel were commissioned for full-time mission service by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship June 22.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (ABP) – The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship will be forced to recall missionaries from the field if donations to its annual Offering for Global Missions do not increase next year, CBF Executive Coordinator Daniel Vestal told the CBF Coordinating Council June 23.
An organization of retired faculty and staff from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has asked the school’s trustees to reconsider a decision to discontinue providing health insurance coverage at no cost to retirees. But the seminary's president says trustees will not reconsider the
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Missouri and the Baptist General Convention of Missouri recognize the growth of the Hispanic population in Missouri and are seeking ways to minister.
Cole County Circuit Judge Paul Wilson heard arguments on three motions related to the Missouri Baptist Convention’s case against the Missouri Baptist Foundation during a three-hour hearing on June 9 and has asked each side to submit a proposed order by June 30.
How hard is it to be totally “off the grid?” According to a Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project report in May, 57 percent of people tracked their reputations online, while 46 percent used online searches to find information about people from
Although some supporters of the Great Commission Resurgence report and recommendations have characterized the Cooperative Program as a "golden calf," elevating designated giving may create a new one. Is the SBC in danger of returning to the societal method of funding ministry?
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (ABP) -- Baptists have begun sending aid to Kyrgyzstan, home of a growing humanitarian crisis stemming from violence fueled by ethnic intolerance that has killed hundreds and driven hundreds of thousands of ethnic Uzbeks from their homes since June 10.