(RNS) — Americans are living less like a Billy Graham nation, and increasingly like a nation defined by the more secular religion of Norman Vincent Peale -- though few Americans today may even know this name.
As with most theological topics, a wide diversity of opinions exists among Baptists on the nature of hell. In fact, Baptist theologians and preachers — much like church leaders in the first centuries after Jesus — have long been found in the various hell camps.
There is nothing like being a pastor or being a church leader in a congregation that works well. However, some within a congregation can believe pastors, staff, church leadership and other church members are opponents who somehow work against them.
(RNS) — Within the last two months, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued two important religious liberty decisions with strikingly similar facts and diametrically opposed outcomes.
Last year, my wife and I saw the famous Leonard da Vinci mural “The Last Supper.” To be honest, I went because it seemed like something we should do while in Milan. But I was truly impressed by the mural.
While the topic of VBS may seem like old/tired news to some, the reality is that for many churches it may the proverbial church rock star that we take for granted, right in front of us.
Christians want our first loyalty to be to Jesus, not a particular institution or tradition. But does anyone follow Jesus in some pure, individual way, free of institutional ties or a larger and longer tradition?
Much of today’s news is about immigration. Perhaps we should focus on the immigrants rather than rules and regulations. I must admit I am biased, since two of our four children came from Korea.
(RNS) — Just over 2.5 percent of those serving in Congress identify to an untraditional theistic faith or no faith at all.Compare this to the general American public: fewer than half consider religion to be an important part of their lives. Why?