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Doyle SagerOur culture seems to have shelved “and” in favor of “or.”

Liberal or conservative. Prolife or pro-choice. Gun rights or gun control. Let’s be honest: Polarization sells more news (and more politics) than consensus.

Wade ParisIn 1916, President Woodrow Wilson created the National Park Service. This makes 2016 its 100th birthday.

sager doyle 2012 for churchDuring this past Lenten season, our congregation journeyed together around the theme of forgiveness — God’s forgiveness of us as well as our forgiveness of ourselves and others. Here are some takeaways.

Doyle SagerIn nearly every other area of our lives, curiosity is highly valued. Where would the world of information technology be without curious college dropouts working in their garages? Savvy entrepreneurs succeed because they invest in “what if?” So instead of shunning all this ambiguity and confusion, perhaps churches should embrace it.

Doyle SagerLate January marked the 46th anniversary of the death of my 16-year-old brother, Dennis, in a car accident. Forty-six years. If you think all of the grief is gone and my heart has completely healed, think again.

In Mississippi, where I spent my teenage years, one can acquire a driver's license at the age of 15. Despite its legality, my father thought I should not get a license until I was 16. It was a long year.

sager doyle 2012 for churchNot very many weeks ago, many of us sang the words of Charles Wesley’s familiar Christmas carol, “Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, Hail the incarnate deity….” We likely also heard the powerful witness of John’s Gospel, “…and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us….”

Doyle SagerMy acting experience is pretty limited. Besides a couple of high school plays, my only claim to fame is the role of a wise man during Maple Grove Baptist Church’s Christmas pageant.

Doyle SagerRemember when studies of world religions were abstract and theoretical? No more. The world has come to us. And it is messier than we imagined.

Doyle SagerI misspoke in one of my recent sermons. I know. You’re not surprised that a preacher flubbed up. You’re only surprised that said preacher would admit it!