Richard Ackerman, a 21-year-old Presbyterian convert and conservative activist in the church, is the contemporary televangelist Zoomers can’t stop watching.
Many U.S. churches close their doors each year, typically with little attention. But the closure of Ryan Burge’s First Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, has a poignant twist.
In the face of a rising threat to both church and democracy, “Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism” exposes the undercurrents of a dangerous ideology.
MAGA evangelicals grab all the headlines. But it’s swing state faith voters — Catholics, mainliners, and Black Protestants — who will likely decide the election.
This issue of A Public Witness looks at an Episcopal Church resolution, a PC(USA) recommendation, and a regional UMC resolution to see how some mainline Protestant groups are wrestling — or not — with their own complicity in spreading Christian Nationalism.
Two commissions overseeing research into the denomination's part in the assimilationist schools are asking Episcopal bishops to grant access to archives in their regions and to recruit research assistants of their own.