The Bad Burrito Awards annually recognize actions, products, and efforts on behalf of religion that could be the result of late night inspirational ideas caused by that earlier dinner.
The phrase “May you live in interesting times” is purported to have originated from China, though that’s doubtful. It certainly can describe this year’s presidential race, however.
From the ocean’s depths to the views from space, our world offers beautiful scenes, diversity of life and jaw-dropping sights. At first we could only communicate these
People by nature have wanted to name things since the Garden of Eden. If it isn’t finding shapes in the cloud or identifying a taste, it’s giving significance to days, weeks and months.
Each fall, this column presents its annual Bad Burrito Awards (BBA). Winners demonstrate marketing perhaps more inspired by late-night indigestion than mid-day creativity.
A friend recently encountered the experience everyone dreads: The restaurant where she ate lunch declined her card. When she checked her account, she discovered her accounts had been emptied.