'This legislation, if adopted, would incite fear and create barriers of needed care that our church immigrant and refugee ministries engage,' reads a letter signed by hundreds of Latino pastors, faith leaders, and congregants.
This issue of A Public Witness conjures up the righteous indignation of Charlton Heston as Moses to look at the dangerous push for the Ten Commandments in public schools.
The Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation has awarded grants to schools that exclude LGBTQ students and families and paid for creationist science teacher training.
A new study found that the most popular worship songs come from a handful of megachurches with a knack for writing pop songs about what God will do for you.
Evangelicals place great stress on the authority of the Bible and have often labeled their interpretation “the biblical view.” Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy outlines the problems with this framing and offers some helpful tips for combating it.