The Franciscan Action Network, along with partners Sojourners and Faith in Peace Concerts, held the fourth annual gathering that featured a variety of religious leaders advocating for a strong, functioning, representative, democracy.
Contributing writer Rodney Kennedy explores the continued relevance of the Jan. 6 insurrection and three active attempts to subvert democracy: threats against the press, attempts to imprison political opponents, and promises to deport 11,000,000 immigrants.
After police indicted 37 individuals, including a Catholic priest, evangelical Christian supporters of the right-wing former president called the investigation an effort by the current president to persecute Brazil's conservatives.
We’re excited to announce that Unsettling Advent is returning with new themes: rulers clinging to power, dangerous pregnancies, and violence in Lebanon.
Faithful America’s executive director argues that since Trump and the religious right distort faith for their own gain, calling them out is not an attack on religion but rather a necessary democratic and Christian action.
‘I was surprised at how many people were interested in this,’ said Protect Democracy’s Chris Crawford, who has led discussions with faith leaders about possible election scenarios.
Jerome Copulsky’s “American Heretics: Religious Adversaries of Liberal Order” is a tour de force documenting the religious illiberalism that has challenged democratic values from the very beginning.