New safety measures mandate flashing lights on buggies, a requirement some conservative Amish say violates their faith. Harvard University Law School agrees with them.
Francis added his voice to increasing calls for binding, global regulation of AI in his annual message for the World Day of Peace, which the Catholic Church celebrates each Jan. 1.
In "Disobedient Women: How a Small Group of Faithful Women Exposed Abuse, Brought Down Powerful Pastors, and Ignited an Evangelical Reckoning," journalist Sarah Stankorb outlines how access to the internet allowed women to begin dismantling patriarchal authority.
The app replicates an instant messaging platform, allowing users to chat with ChatGPT impersonations of biblical figures, including the apostles, the prophets, Ruth, Job, Lot, and more.
The boom in livestreaming and the ubiquity of Auto-Tune and other technologies have led churches to up their game when it comes to sound technology. But has it gone too far?
A fight over an FCC license has put a small Christian school at odds with a cellphone giant. Thanks to changes in regulations that allow schools to sell their licenses off to commercial companies, Christian College of Georgia now finds itself with a license that